6 reasons we love the Infocapture for leave request forms.

Workflow solution

Still using a paper based leave request process which adds to more paperwork and terrible for the environment? Intranet Solutions offers an online sophisticated leave request business process which can be created bespoke to suit the needs of your organisation.

In an era of flexible working environments and multiple offices it makes sense that there is a streamlined process that suits your business needs. One of our clients Alko, a large manufacturer with offices throughout Australia, came to Intranet Solutions to streamline their process by devising a highly sophisticated leave request workflow called Infocapture.

Infocapture is a two-way flow of information between employer and employee. Employees are able to view their own working hours, rosters, public holidays and leave request form submitted. Managers are able to approve or amend workflows with a press of a button thus increasing workflow efficiencies. A popular function for managers, is the ability to print out reports for leave balances and annual leave calendars.

Why we love the Infocapture:

  1. Centralised communication hub for employees around the country
  2. Two-way communication between employee and employees
  3. Easy to view employee balances and print reports
  4. A positive impact on the environment
  5. Time efficiency
  6. Workflows can be accessed anywhere at any time

Get in touch for a personalised quote to suit your business needs.