As a business owner or manager, knowing where your staff are at any given time is critical. Whether it’s assigning new work, scheduling a meeting or just touching base with a query, being able to quickly see your coworker’s location and status is imperative. The Availability module is a workplace solution that allows your staff to log their activities quickly and easily.
With just two clicks from the dashboard, administrators gain a top level overview of their staff’s whereabouts. A complete list details everyone’s schedule, including useful data such as date ranges and statuses. Furthermore this data is broken down into two distinct subsets – status and location.
Status allows users to specify the reason for their availability (or lack thereof). Statuses can be selected from a preformatted list and include common default options such as ‘working from home’, ‘travelling’, ‘away sick’, or ‘at a conference’. Custom items can also be added to this list, ensuring that the data collected is accurate and informative. Your staff’s status also includes an additional ‘contactable’ row. Predictably, this data indicates whether or not a staff member is available to be contacted during this period, ensuring that you know who is available and who isn’t.
The ‘locations’ tab breaks your staff’s availability data down into a table of common locations. Much like status, the location data is selected from a list of common options such as ‘warehouse’, ‘conference’ and ‘at home’, but can be amended with custom values to keep data accurate.
The data collected via the Availability Module is exportable, and can offer valuable insights about the day to day operations of your organisation. This can prove an important resource in monitoring the efficiency of your staff, tracking potentially time-wasting behaviour and identifying positive work habits business-wide.
Learn more about our services. Book a free demo or start your free trial today!