As humans, we exist to communicate with others. In our personal and professional lives, connecting with people is the cornerstone of success. With that said, it can be hard to communicate with coworkers, especially when working as a part of a distributed or remote workforce. The Discuss module connects an organisation and provides staff members with a centralised environment to send and receive messages.
The discuss component is, at its most basic, a simple chat application that users to communicate with each other. This messaging function is accessible through a dedicated application index, in addition to a component module. The module allows discussions to be displayed dynamically on intranet pages, ensuring that communication between your users is always swift and practical.
The real advantage of Discuss comes through its usage of the intranet’s robust permissions structure. Administrative users can create and moderate multiple discussion channels composed of specific staff. These user groups can be comprised of predefined intranet roles, as well as individually chosen users. Common uses for permissions controlled discussion environments are for users to address specific business projects and goals. A channel of this nature allows users to communicate, query and request data in a structured and targeted way.
Providing a structured environment for your staff to communicate is a sure-fire way of increasing engagement and, with the native Discuss module, it’s never been easier to do so.
If you want to learn more, call us at 1300 822 123 or send us a message.