Onboarding and upskilling your team is the best way of making sure your business stays at the forefront of your industry. Staff can operate the most efficiently only when equipped with up-to-date knowledge, tools and an understanding of current business trends. An Intranet with a training module allows administrative users to easily create and distribute engaging, robust multi-stage courses for their staff to complete.
Supplying courses digitally in todays connected workplace offers numerous advantages over organising and attending training sessions in person. The time and expense involved with booking spaces, scheduling times and hiring facilitators, in addition to the loss of your employee’s productive hours adds up quickly. Distributing digital courses ensures that they can be completed by your employees efficiently and remotely. Course creators can even add time and grade constraints to tests, and all results are catalogued for later examination.
In addition to providing your staff with useful training tools, the data collected by the training module can offer valuable insight into your organisation. Perhaps your employees are collectively struggling with one aspect of the business, as highlighted by a disproportionate amount of incorrect answers. Administrators can even see the individual attempts of a course by a single user, ensuring that if one solitary employee is struggling that they receive the help and training that they require.
Overall, the capacity to remotely upskill your workforce frees up time and resources, and rapidly shortens the time required to see the training applied in a live environment. It also makes the collection and analysis of data more accessible. Insights gleaned can be rapidly understood and applied, ensuring that all areas of your organisation grow together, optimised for today’s business environment.
Find out the different components you can have with Intranet Solutions here.