The Four Steps To Implementing An Intranet

Workflow Solution

You’ve been given the job of implementing an intranet – where do you start?

Ask yourself and your team managers what they want from the intranet? This will help you collate your organisations shared objectives.

  1. The first step to breakdown what may initially feel an overwhelming task is to have a group discussion with key staff from your IT, HR, Marketing departments and your Office Manager to determine their intranet objectives and create a team. An intranet will focus on some or all of the following depending on your objectives:
    • Increase and improve communication within the organisation.
    • Streamline existing manual processes and create eforms for purchase orders, expenses, annual leave, timesheets to name a few.
    • Organise a new file drive system where all company forms and policies can be found quickly via a search function.
    • Collaborate with fellow colleagues for projects within particular departments.
  2. Assign one person to manage the implementation of the intranet, and for the continued success of the intranet, assign someone to manage and update the intranet with news, memos, announcements and releases, whatever information you decide to keep updating. This is known as Intranet Governance.
  3. Once you have an idea of your company requirements and objectives, book a demo and introduction meeting with your intranet provider such as Intranet Solutions, we will show you examples of how our intranets have helped other organisations streamline processes and increase communication. We will help you to prioritise your requirements for the intranet and the design of your intranet. The design is paramount to the intranets success, it needs to be inviting and easy for the user to navigate through and search quickly.
  4. Once the outline, structure and design of the intranet has been finalised we work with you to create your eforms and teach you how to upload documents so you can fill the content. The intranet is continually evolving, it can evolve with your company requirements and enhancements can always be added in the future. Our advice is to start with the foundation and grow from there.

Call us to discuss how we can help you on 1300 822 123.