In life there are many cardinal rules that set you on the right path, like never cry over spilled milk or respect your elders because they know more than you. Or for some it is a simple as always be good to your mother. Well in the world of intranets we have a golden cardinal rule, always have your news feed on the main homepage.
Our clients often seek our advice in relation to the placement of their news feed, with the debate of homepage or departmental page. Our advice is simple, the idea of the intranet is optimising employee knowledge and engagement, by having the news feed feature on your homepage versus on departmental pages, illustrates transparency and opens lines of communication within the departments.
Investing in an intranet highlights that the business values your employees and is willing to invest in them. Not only is an intranet a centralised hub for all news, policy documents as well as key information for employees to freely access, it creates efficient processes within their daily transactions, to save them time. Your intranet can also extend value to employees through our e-learning application which enables you to educate and moderate staff developments.
Good practices start with good processes and Intranet Solutions work with your business to establish value to your employees to ensure your intranet is delivering on efficiency and effectiveness which impacts their day to day.
Learn more about our services. Book a free demo or start your free trial today!