Training and development anywhere anytime

Digital Workplace Solutions

Investing in training and developing your staff is invaluable. However, the cost of bringing everyone together can be a costly exercise for any company, both in travel and taking the time out.

Using your intranet to educate and keep your staff abreast with market trends is a cost efficient way. This enables your company to be able to increase the frequency of training and development by investing in your staff.

E-learning is an efficient way to educate your employees. With online courses, video uploading capabilities and the ability to arrange training events, your intranet can be the hub of learning and development.

First National Real Estate is just one of our clients that utilise the intranet to communicate to their thousands of employees who are spread throughout Australia. First National Real Estate take the opportunity to use their intranet for e-learning, to engage with their agents throughout Australia to further develop their skill set online and attend major events.

Investing in your staff through growth and development leads to higher engaged staff and job satisfaction.  E-learning is a sound investment for any business.

Learn more about an e-learning platform right inside your intranet. Book a free demo or start your free trial today!