Why build a company wiki?

A company wiki is a valuable tool for any organisation. It is a collaborative platform that allows employees to share and access information and resources and can significantly improve communication, collaboration, and productivity within the organisation.

One of the main benefits of a company wiki is that it serves as a centralised repository for information and resources. Storing this information in one place makes it easier for employees to access and use it. This can save time and improve efficiency, as employees do not have to search for information in multiple locations or rely on individual team members to provide it.

A company wiki can also improve communication and collaboration within the organisation. Allowing employees to share and access information in real-time makes it easier for teams to work together and stay up to date on projects and initiatives.

In addition, a company wiki can help improve new employees’ onboarding process. By providing access to company policies, procedures, and other important information, new employees can quickly get up to speed and become productive team members.

Overall, a company wiki is a valuable tool that can significantly improve organisational communication, collaboration, and productivity. Providing a centralised repository for information and resources can save time, improve efficiency, help to onboard new employees and facilitate team collaboration.